Weekly Photo Challenge: Monochromatic – Snow Scenes


I saw snow for the first time when I was 19, just a sprinkling in London that was enough to turn the ground white for one night. Watching the snowflakes falling was magical. It was midnight and I ran outside in excitement, my grandmother’s sister came out with me to make sure I didn’t catch cold. After a while she left me there, watching the snow. When I was all alone, two foxes appeared in the field opposite the house, I can still see them standing there in the snow, watching me.

When I moved to Europe again at the end of 2012 I finally saw lots of snow, and every time I see it, it still amazes me. The way it transforms the landscape is also something astounding. Some photos I’ve taken in the snow, you would think it’s a black and white photograph, so that’s why I’ve chosen some snowy scenes for this week’s weekly photo challenge, Monochromatic (although I suppose technically black and white are not colours!). Here are some of them below. When skiing on a misty day, only the bright clothes of the skiers add a splash of colour.

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6 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Monochromatic – Snow Scenes

    • nn says:

      I know, this year has just disappeared! I returned back from a 2 week trip to find that summer had disappeared and autumn was already here. But each season has something interesting to offer! Maybe UK will get some snow this year 🙂

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