We lost a friend this weekend. A big, dear, white, doggy friend, my husband’s family’s dog. At least he lived to a good age, but we will really miss seeing him when we visit the family. He had a big, blocky head and he would often push your hand or leg with his head so that you would give him a pat. Every time we visited, we would take him and the other dog for a walk in the countryside, in all seasons. I thought I’d share the photos I took of some of our walks over the years, starting from the earliest about three and a half years ago. You’ll see how the scenery changes with the different seasons.

Ferdi and Dan
The photo above was of Ferdi’s last walk. Rest in peace, Ferdi. Until we meet again!
It is so sad when a pet dies. He looked a lovely dog.
Thanks, he was lovely. It’ll be strange when he’s not there next time we visit.