Posts I’ve yet to publish

Dear bloggers, I bet all of you have a few posts in your draft box that have not yet been published! Well, Alyssa at the blog alyssagoesbang wants to hear about them. I definitely have some sitting around that I’ve been meaning to finish (or start) for ages, and I enjoyed reading other people’s lists too. Here is my list. Which one of these abandoned posts would you like to see me finally publish?

Weekend in Cambridge: I was there in spring, and now it’s autumn and this one is still unfinished. Cambridge was beautiful and I wanted to write a list of things to do there, but never finished sorting out all of my photos. Actually there are quite a few weekend trips that I haven’t got around to talking about yet…

Questions people have asked me about South Africa: When meeting people from all over the world while abroad, there are several questions that come up over and over, and some that can be pretty unique. I have pondered the idea of putting all the questions (and answers) into a blog post.

Lost in Translation:  Since I moved to Germany I have been learning German, and I feel like understanding the language has helped me to understand Germans a lot better than I did before, even when they are speaking English, because there are some things that just don’t get translated well. I’ve thought about writing a blog post about some of the things that get “lost in translation” between German and English, and about what it’s like learning German.

Learning a third language in a second language: Since my husband is Czech, i once did an intensive Czech course which was four hours a day from Monday to Friday. The trick about the course was that it was taught in German. Having to translate Czech into German and German into Czech almost made my brain implode, so I thought about writing about that.

German teacher: Still on the language theme, I thought about writing a post about all the different German teachers I’ve had and their different teaching styles and points of view. Mostly for myself so that I don’t forget all my German class experiences one day.

Notes from the farm (series): A few times while staying on my husbands’s family’s farm in Czech republic I’ve had spare time  (usually after resting off a huge lunch) and have made notes about our time in the countryside. I always meant to publish these notes with some photos but was usually interrupted at some point during note taking so never finished any off. There are actually three unfinished, unpublished posts on this theme.

Adventures in the Alsace: In early summer (or was it spring?) we caught a night train to France with our bicycles and some friends and did a 4-day cycling trip in the Alsace wine region. It was full of adventures, wine, fairytale-style houses and lovely French countryside. I never finished the post though, and interestingly another blog I read published a post with the same name before I got around to publishing mine (great minds!). So you can read her post here in the meanwhile, it’s very entertaining!

25800 steps: My husband bought one of those wristbands that records your steps, and was very motivated to walk around the following weekend. So we took a long, somewhat random walk around Berlin, and I took photos along the way. His wristband said we did 25800 steps, so I always meant to publish the photos I took that day. Luckily for me he lost interest in the wristband a couple of weeks later.

Shocked! Earlier this year my husband had the misfortune to be electrocuted while changing a lightbulb due to some faulty wiring in the lamp. It was a very scary experience. All I can say is, to be on the safe side always unplug lamps or switch off the power before changing a lightbulb.

Holidays: Last year I took notes on the train when we were traveling to Czech Republic for Christmas. I really liked reading back the notes I made about the train ride, but I never finished the story (the rest of the holidays in Czech Republic and Slovakia, or even the end of the train ride) so I haven’t published it yet. At this rate it will soon be Christmas holidays again. I’m soooo far behind.

Spain notes: Last summer (2015) we took a trip to Seville, Granada and Alhambra and I took lots of notes and even more photos but haven’t managed to put it together yet. Similarly, in 2014 (before I had this blog) we went on a backpacking trip with some Czechs and Slovakians (and one Spaniard) to Galicia, Asturias and Barcelona and I haven’t finished sorting out those photos either. My excuse is that it was too lovely and I took too many photos. At least I managed to sort out the photos from our Canary islands trip.

Which posts would you like to read more of? And which posts are lying unpublished in your own drafts folder?


6 thoughts on “Posts I’ve yet to publish

  1. ursula says:

    I’d like to see the photos you took around Berlin while walking 25800 steps
    And the train trip to czech for Christmas
    and the Notes from the farm series

      • Yes, I’d like to read about that too! Or the lost in translation one – so many funny things happen when you’re trying to learn a language 🙂 Learning German through my first language almost makes my head implode 🙂 Thanks for the link to my blog and I’m glad you enjoyed the post – it’s such a beautiful part of the world!

        • nn says:

          Yes, actually there’ve been a few Czech-English lost in translation moments too! I like all your posts 🙂 Alsace is beautiful indeed, I felt like I’d wandered into one of the Shrek movies! The bike ride was a bit of a boot camp though!

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