September One Photo Focus challenge: Pendennis Castle

pendennis castlesmall
This month’s One Photo Focus challenge was a lovely photo of Pendennis castle by Benjamin Rowe.
I love castles and old buildings. Often photos of monuments such as these can also be transformed into great line drawings. This can be done simply in Photoshop Elements by going to: Filter –> Artistic –> Poster edges. For different effects try playing around with the three options: Edge thickness, Edge intensity and Posterization.
To add writing into your drawing, just click on the Horizontal Type Tool. You can change the text type, size and colour in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Have fun!
Here is the original photo that was used to create this line drawing. You can check out what other people did with it by heading over to the challenge webpage.
OnePhoto Focus Ben Pendennis Castlesmall