Weekly Photo Challenge – Muse

Since I love taking photos (and looking at other people’s photos!), I thought I’d join the Weekly Photo Challenge. This week the topic is “Muse”: what subject frequently inspires you to take out your camera?  For me, my muse is Nature, and especially flowers. I really can’t walk past a good flower specimen without reaching for my camera! Insects and other animals also inspire me. This is one of my favourite flower photos, a poppy, taken at the beginning of summer 2013 in Brandenburg, Germany.


12 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Muse

  1. Somehow, I missed the “Muse” photo challenge; but my muse is definitely Nature! Poppies are fascinating to photograph in all their stages of development. Every year, I try to get an angle I haven’t seen before. I love the colors in your photograph. Warm and spicy!
    BTW, thank so much for following Beauty Along the Road. I like your blog concept and am looking forward to more stories about Middle Earth, err…Middle Europe 🙂

    • nn says:

      Thanks! I agree, poppies are somehow just irresistible to photograph at all stages and they add such a splash of colour to any scene. Yesterday I was cycling past some cornfields and there were poppies together with bright blue cornflowers at the edges of the field – I was running late so couldn’t stop but it took all my restraint! I look forward to reading more of your blog too 🙂

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